Alexa Runyan Alexa Runyan

miniAMP at MCRL

mini Adaptable Monitoring Package (mini AMP)

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Deployment period: July 1, 2024 - Present

On July 1st, the MarineSitu team, with the support of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, deployed the new miniAMP (mini Adaptable Monitoring Package) in Sequim Bay. Equipped with MarineSitu’s latest marine monitoring hardware, this miniAMP will observe the waters of Sequim Bay for the next four weeks and automatically collect imagery of marine animals using its AI-enabled detection software. We have seen many seals, schools of fish, and crustaceans in just over two weeks and we are excited for the continued interactions! Check out the livestream below to check in on the critters of Sequim Bay in real time!

This work was supported by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (Office of Basic Energy Sciences). The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, a TEAMER - Testing Expertise and Access for Marine Energy Research facility, is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit This message does not constitute an endorsement of MarineSitu or MarineSitu’s products by the Department of Energy.

The TEAMER - Testing Expertise and Access for Marine Energy Research program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) and directed by the Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (POET). This work was also supported by the University of Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory and Pacific Marine Energy Center.

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Alexa Runyan Alexa Runyan

Lower Granite Lake Lock & Dam - Fish Passage

Automated Detection and Tracking of Fish Passage

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Deployment Period: February 28, 2024 - Present

Automated Fish Passage Detection and Tracking with our partner Four Peaks Environmental Science and Data Solutions. On the lower Snake River, this dam experiences lower fish passage than our other sites along the Columbia River.

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Alexa Runyan Alexa Runyan


Lander Adaptable Monitoring Package (LAMP)

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Deployment period: October 2023 - March 2024

Supporting the University of Washington Applied Physics Lab deployment of a tidal turbine with our Lander Adaptable Monitoring Package (LAMP) for marine monitoring in Sequim Bay at the Pacific Northwest National Lab Marine Coastal Research Laboratory (PNNL MCRL). We ran the AMP 24/7 for over 4 months!

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Alexa Runyan Alexa Runyan

Malad River Gorge Dam - Fish Passage

Automated Detection and Tracking of Fish Passage

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Deployment Period: October 03, 2023 - Present

Automated Fish Passage Detection and Tracking with our partner Four Peaks Environmental Science and Data Solutions. With Steelhead Trout being the salmonid species present at this site, the Malad River (off the Snake River) experiences much lower fish passage than our sites along the Columbia River.

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Alexa Runyan Alexa Runyan

The Dalles Dam - Fish Passage

Automated Detection and Tracking of Fish Passage

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Deployment Period: August 11, 2023 - February 6, 2024

Automated Fish Passage Detection and Tracking with our partner Four Peaks Environmental Science and Data Solutions. A high passage location along the Columbia River.

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